It's strange the way things work out, but they do work out in the end


Sunday, 16 September 2007

The Good News is...

...all of my old posts have been restored :D

Keith rules the school!!

The bad news is, I'm still by no means enamoured by WordPress (our less-than-illustrious new host) and one of the few good things it has going for it - namely post importing - is sadly lacking on blogger.

Still, on balance, it's a good result overall.

-Edit- Keith has solved the embedding issue! It's a little...quirky...but it works!


elentari said...

I know the feeling. I've just spent the last 2 hours copy and pasting my posts over to this site... sad, I know. If this site ever kicks it I'm gonna flip!

MABrock1980 said...

lol - that's some dedication!

I'm feeling a little more positive about efx, but it'll probably take a return of dedicated post and comment tracking for me to make the move back...